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Bank of America
Boston Company
Banco de Chile
Brentwood Financial
Chemical Bank
Coldwell Banker Employees
Investment Trust
Chicago Title Insurance
Crocker Bank Corporation
China Bank (L.A.)
Coopers Lybrand
Commercial Credit Corporation
Chandis Securities
First Beverly Bank
Franklin Trust
Golden State Thrift & Loan
Glendale Federal Savings
G E C Industries
Hera Investment Company
Imperial Bank
60 Wall Street Building
75 Wall Street Building
One Wall Street Court
Imperial Savings & Loan Assoc.
Jess S. Morgan & Co.
Marketing Dimensions
Marketing Consultants
Merrill Lynch
New York Bar Assoc.
Southern California Laborers
Ralph C. Sutro Company
Security Pacific National Bank
(2) Branches
Swiss International Bank
Talisman Fund
United California Bank (3)
Valley Bank Plaza Building
Wells Fargo


Argentine Consulate
Attorney's Office Management Inc.
(Paul Fegen)
Allen, Simonds & Franz Co.
Alfa / Laval
Adams, Ray & Rosenberg
Au Natural
Asher - Gould
Astor Terrace
Actualizations Suite
Aerospace Corporation
ABC Entertainment Center
Airlines Pilots Associates
Affiliated Insurance Managers
Arlen Realty & Management
Bruce Augustus
Acret & Perrochet
Attorney General Office (Las Vegas)
Alexander & Alexander
Allandale Office Complex
Braniff International
Brigg, Andrew, Pope & Co.
Berkhemer & Kline Inc.
Brentwood - Gateway Building
Brashears Center (Fullerton)
Brown & Deaner (Las Vegas)
Bechtol & Emerson
Bowne Time Sharing Inc.
Baker Equipemnt/ Winkler
Carnegie Hall
Continental Plaza
Charles Offset Printing
City of Palo Alto
Clifton & Co.

Coldwell Banker (National)
-Phase I Renovation of Audit & Cargo
-Phase II Renovation Resevations

State of California-State Records Center
Cicago Title Insurance Co.
Chemical Nuclear Systems Inc.
Carnation Company
Cannon Milles
Computer Science Corporation
Career Advancement Center
Children's Museum (S.I.)

Continental Airlines
-Tenant Improvements, General Construction
-Computer Facilities, Communication

Coldwell Company (Las Vegas)
Chanslor, Barieri & DeWhitt (Las Vegas)
Cross & Brown
California Institute of Business Management
Carnegie International
Cal-American Properties
California Office Parks
Century National Insurance
California World Title Co.
Cine Vision
Data Fax
Del Amo Financial Center
Digital Equipment
A.B. Dick
Data General
Estee Battery Co.
EDP Staff Consultants
88th St/Broadway Building
Yarrow Bay Office Park,
Economic Systems
Equitable Life Assurance Co,
Fordham University
Futureton Lighting
Flight Engineering
Franchise Tax Board (State of California)
Foster Wheeler
Four Phase Systems
575 Lexington Ave. Building
Farmers Insurance Co.
1212 South Flower Street
Family Practice Center - UCLA
Forest Oil Headquarters
Great Far East Corporation
Grubb and Ellis
General Service Administration
Great American Insurance Co.
Gates McDonald Corporation
Gray Tool
Grant International Corp.
Alexander Grant (Las Vegas)
Graphic Equipment
General Electiric
Hahn Devcorp
Hartford Steam Boiler
Hawaiian Airlines
Haskin & Sells (Las Vegas)
Haagard & Elrod
Ironworkers Benefit
International House
Johnson & Johnson
Joint Industry Board of the
Electrical Works Union
Jone, Bell Lebaron (Las Vegas)
Katz Agency
Kent Oil & Trading Co.
Knudsen Hall - UCLA Campus
Korsen, Gevirtz & King
Office of Building
Learning Development Center
Lincoln Center/Avery Fischer Hall
Lincoln National Insurance Co.
Walter Landor & Associates
Lockheed Missiles & Space
Louart Corp.
Lexar Corp.
Lindvall, Richter & Assoc.
MTA/Long Island Railroad
Metro North Commuter Railroad
Micom Data
Mandi Assoc.
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Co,
Motivational Media
Mid Vallet College of Law
Mc Kee
Mutual of Omaha
Maharam Fabric Corp.
Mason Electric Co.
Phillip Morris
National Car Rental
National Chemsearch
New Zealand Consulate
New York Life
Northrop Corporation
New York Fruit Exchange
National Bureau of Standards
One Town Center Drive
Open Road Industries
Paradise Development
Periodical Publishers
Piggyback Shippers
PT & T
P.I.P. Coporate Offices
Park Center Plaza
Attorneys Office Management Inc.-Phase II
Pasadena Office Parks
Petrolieum Development Corp.
Palo Alto Police
Productive Capitol Systems
Pacific Telephone Company
Phillips Petroleum
The Ralph M. Parsons Co.
Park Westwood Tower
Quincy Cass
Queensborough Bridge
Questron Corporation
Rathenberg-Swasy Partnership
Rogers & Wells
Ree/Grobman & Associates
Roosevelt Building
Raychem Corporation
Republic Development, Ohio Casualty
(No. Hollywood Garden Office)
Rexon, Mazurak/Joseph Gentile
Realty Investment Assoc.
Skytrain International
Systems Engineering
Suckling & Bartlett
Sahara Nevada Corp. (Las Vegas)
Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences
State Gaming Control Board
(Las Vegas)
Sports Deli (ABC Entertainment Center)
Sun Life Insurance
Stern Hall Res. (Dormitory)
Sutro Mortgage & Thomas Reels
Savin Business Machines
Science Applications Inc.
Spring Anesthesia Group Inc.
Steelcase Inc. (Showrooms
Philidelphia, Los Angeles, Vancouver,
San Francisco, Detroit)
Vidal Sassoon
(Warehouse facility, Suite remodel)
Sauflon International
(New Building & Manufacturing)
Segerstrom Center
The Seely Company
Swett & Crawford
Sita World Travel Inc.
-Remodel and renovation Exterior and Interior
Times Square Hotel Co.
Tomy Toys
T.M.I. Metropolitan Supply
Traveler's Acceptance
Tymeshare Inc.
TRW Systems
Transcon Lines
Tennis Digest
Tanner & Mainstain
Triborough Bridge
TSC - Technology Service Corporation
U.S. Custom House
U.S. Government Printing Office
Urban Development Company
U.S. Administrators
U.S. Tennis Association
United Envelope Company
Urgan Projects
V.G.P. Publishing Corp.
Vista College of Law
Van De Kamps & Expansion
Vista Real Realty
Vargus, Bartlett & Dixon
Verge & Clatworthy & Assoc.
Wildwood Films
Foster Wheeler
Wells Fargo Realty
Walker Researfh
Wolf & Co.
World Trade Centers (L.A. & N.Y.)
Westholme Condominiums
(Shell and Tenant Improvements)
Wilshire San Vicente Building
Weyerhauser (Annandale)
Xerox Corporation-Cafeteria-Carson
(Modification of Ms Building
Modification of Burn in
Room,War Room & Lab-Micro Electronic)
York & Smith
Arthur Young & Co.
Yarrow Bay Office Park
YM & YWHA- Westchester
Westwinds Tennis Pavilion


Abercrombie & Fitch
American Bartenders School
American Safety Equipment
After Images
Arnie Mars Shoes
Bridgestone Tire Co.
Brooklyn Museum
Butterfield Farms
Buffeteria & Smoke Shop
Ben Bassat - Brooktree
Crown Beverage Co. - G.A.B.
California Business Magazine
Clairmont Graduate School
Country Linen
Cruise Specialists
California Employees Association
Creative World Travel
Crystal Shop
The Clothesline, Inc.
Cecil Gee of California
Davis Furniture
Desmond Muirhead Galleries
Doyle's Art Galleries
Encino Valley Shopping Center
Food Bank/Westwood
Fiorucci (Ca Ronit, Inc.)
French Connection
Hammacher Schlemmer
Island Holiday
International Design Center
Irene of Beverly Hills
J.C. Penny
Jon Travel Space
Henry Grethel
Jet Avia (Las Vegas)
Koos Van Den Akker
Sid Landis (Beauty Salon)
Le Diamant (Boneventure Hotel)
John Leonard Golf Store
Lightolier (showroom)
Los Angeles Design Center
(Blue Whale)
Macy's (Roosevelt Field,
KingsPlaza, 34th St.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mineral & Mines Museum
N.Y. Marriott Marquis Theatre
Optimum Systems
Owl Pool and Patio Company
Pacific Theatres
Patrician Beauty Salon
Pick - Ritz Cleaners
Plymouth Shops
Pool Company Sales Office
Printing Specialties
Lillie Rubin
Saks Fifth Avenue
Savflon-Soft Eye Lens Mfg.
Sayers Ice Cream
Schaeffer Brothers
Shubert Theatre
Sotheby's Park Barnett
The Sports Connection
Starkist Foods (Ref.)
Steelcase - Showrooms

Two Stones
Washington Square Shopping Complex
(Retail/Office Improvements-
Marina del Rey)
Windfield Design
Patty Woodward Sports Wear
World Trade Center
ARA Food Service
Charles V Restaurant

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc
(major remodel for storage)
(freezer and refrigeration)

Continental Airlines Cafeteria (24 Hours)
Food Bank - Westwood
(Restaurant facilities)
The Golden Tale Restaurant
(The Pub)
(Restaurant and Kitchen facilities)
Jojo's Restaurant (Las Vegas)
The Medallion Restaurant
Xerox Cafeteria (XDS)


Brooklyn Medical Offices
Sharon Assoc. (M.R.I.)
Hospital For Joint Disease
Bellevue Hospital (24 Hr. emergency)
Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
UCLA Cancer Research Lab & Clinic
Dr. Deter (World Trade Center)
National Medical Enterprises
Siemans - Med.
General Electric - Med.
Dr. Frilich
Hollywood Presbyterian
Newark United Hospital
Encino Hospital (Emergency)
New York Blood Bank
North Shore Hospital
Clairmont Mesa Medical/Dental Center
Organon Diagnostics
Hammond Medical Center
Berkshire Medical Center
Lenox Hill Hospital
American Sterilizer Co.
Columbia University Health
Sciences Division
Bio Cell Technology
Family Practice Center
Gramercy Radiology Group


Max Pierce M.D.
Richard Fleming M.D.
Charles O. Bechtol M.D.
Seymour Cohen M.D.
Robert E. Kramer M.D.
Charles Fanous M.D.
Claude E. Fiske Ph.D.
Toby G. Mayer Ph.D.
Rudolpho Irisarri M.D.
Harold Myers M.D.
Thomas Crehan M.D.
Marvin Hausman M.D.
Robert Sanford M.D.
Arthur C. Hurt M.D.
James R. Wilson M.D.
H.H. Edelbrock M.D.
J.C. Nicholson M.D.
J.J. Thom M.D.
Russell Jaffe M.D.


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