Carnegie Hall
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice! Practice! Practice!
The Carnegie Hall restoration and renovation project took approximately
8 years to complete, including the exterior and interior of the Hall.
The work we accomplished included the replacement of all the skylights
and roofs on all structures. The expansion of the functional facilities,
ie: new lounge / bar facility, new practice rooms, bathrooms, reception and lobby,
as well as replacing the "wings" off stage. We were proud to gold leaf
the entire main arch over the stage. We also completed all major
structural repairs throughout the hall included structurally unsound
perimeter walls. It's one of our finest projects!

The corner section is being placed in
position by a crane on 57th Street (East Side)

The corner section is being placed in
position by a crane on 57th Street (West Side)

Balustrade section being positioned

From the street, corner sections are lifted to the top of the building